Peter Bailey
The Official Peter Bailey Site

Peter Bailey
Peter Bailey was born and schooled in South Africa where he was in business until relocating to Israel together with his wife in 2013 to join their 3 sons, daughters in law and 6 grandchildren. While in South Africa Peter conducted in depth research into the Jewish contribution to South Africa’s military history, delivering many lectures on the subject. He was a major in the South African Defence Reserve serving as an armoured car Squadron Commander in the Light Horse Regiment in tandem with his business career. He later served as the national chairman of the South African Jewish ex Service League, the association of Jewish military veterans.
Peter’s writing was first published as a 10 year old when two poems he had composed were published in the Outspan Farmer’s Weekly magazines. Since making Aliyah he has returned to his love of writing and has had numerous articles published in the Jerusalem Post and Jerusalem Report as well as other publications. He has also written two books, Street Names in israel and Men of Valor, both of which were published in Israel in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Peter researches people, places and events in israel, giving lectures on diverse subjects during bus rides to tour destinations organised for ex South Africans by Telfed, the South African Zionist Federation, Israel where he serves as chairman of the Events Committee.